《中国工人》192元全年订阅价全彩色印刷,大16开本,每期80页,每册16.00元全年定价192.00元国内统一刊号:CN11-3134/C国际标准刊号:ISSN 1004-8952邮发代号:2-8《中国工人》月刊由中华全国总工会主管、中国工人出版社主办,是一份具有悠久历史和光荣传统的刊物。创刊于1924年,毛泽东同志题写刊名。《中国工人》杂志作为工会重要的宣传思想舆论阵地,在宣传党的全心全意依靠工人阶级方针,推动工会工作创新发展,反映广大职工主人翁精神风貌等方面发挥着重要作用。站在新的历史起点,我们将以传播和践行社会主义核心价值观,弘扬劳模精神、劳动精神和工匠精神,培养知识型技术型创新型高素质劳动者,积极构建和谐劳
“Chinese workers” 192 full-year subscription subscription price Full-color printing, 16 large format, 80 pages each, 16.00 yuan per year Pricing of 192.00 yuan a year Domestic unified serial number: CN11-3134 / C International Standard Serial Number: ISSN 1004- 8952 Postal Code: 2-8 The monthly magazine “Chinese Workers” is sponsored by the All-China Federation of Trade Unions and sponsored by China Workers Publishing House. It is a publication with a long history and glorious tradition. Founded in 1924, Comrade Mao Zedong wrote the title. As an important public opinion position of trade unions, “Chinese workers” magazine plays an important role in propagating the party’s whole-hearted reliance on the principle of the working class, promoting innovation and development in trade union work, and reflecting the mastership of the vast numbers of workers and staff. Standing at a new historical starting point, we will foster innovative, high-quality, knowledge-based laborers by actively disseminating and practicing the core values of socialism, carrying forward the spirit of mold and labor, working spirit and craftsmanship, and actively building harmonious labor