Bertelsmann Book Club Terminated in China

来源 :China Today | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iloveyanqing
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ON July 14, Li Meng received a refund notice from bertelsmann China, announcing the closure of all businesses owned by shanghai ber-telsmann Culture Industry Co., Ltd., including the China book Club. “I felt sorry when I learned of the news,” says Li meng, a magazine worker who had ON July 14, Li Meng received a refund notice from bertelsmann China, announcing the closure of all businesses owned by shanghai ber-telsmann Culture Industry Co., Ltd., including the China book Club. “I felt sorry when I learned of the news, ”says Li meng, a magazine worker who had
近年来,国内书市上以女性为主题的书系、杂志纷纷亮相,且种类繁多。其实在美国,此类出版物早已卓然有成,并衍生出上百家女性书店。由此,有心者不妨将女性书店“引进”国内,市场前景相当广阔。    源自美国    据有关资料显示,自1970年首家女性书店“亚马逊”(此非“亚马逊”网上书店)在明尼苏达州成立以来,目前美国已发展了100多家同类型书店,年营业额约3500万美元。这也使诸多主流出版社更加重视读者