机动车整修用涂料的历史始于本世纪初的基于天然树脂的车辆清漆。随着时间的推移 ,这方面有了可观的进展。 1 92 5年 ,硝酸纤维素油漆进入市场 ,稍后的年代里又出现了醇酸树脂漆。后者最初是用刷子涂刷的。直到 1 940年左右 ,才首次使用了可喷涂的醇酸树脂。大约从 1 950年开始 ,短油硝化纤维素油漆越来越多地被中油的醇酸树脂所取代含溶剂的 2 K- PUR涂料大约在 1 970年进入市场 ,并且在 2 0年前后的时间内 ,成为机动车整修涂料和商用车辆涂层的主导类树脂。 1 994年 ,仅仅在西欧一处 ,就售出了 1 38,0 0 0 t用于维修工业的含溶剂 2 K- PUR涂料 ,今天 ,高固体类 2 K- PUR系统已经在很大程度上取代了传统的 PUR涂料、硝化纤维素油漆、醇酸树脂和热塑丙烯酸盐。这一趋势在西欧特别令人注目 ,该地用于机动车整修领域的聚氨酯的市场占有份额已达 85%。
The history of automotive refinish coatings began with natural resin-based vehicle varnishes of the early 2000s. Over time, there has been considerable progress in this area. In 1995, nitrocellulose paints came to the market and alkyd paints appeared in later years. The latter was first painted with a brush. Until about 1940, it was the first time that sprayable alkyds were used. Shortening oil nitrocellulose paints are increasingly being replaced by medium-oil alkyd resins starting from around 1950 2 K-PUR coatings containing solvents were introduced into the market in about 1970 and were introduced around the year 20 , Became the leading resin for automotive refinish coatings and commercial vehicle coatings. In 1949, a total of 138,000 tons of solvent-borne 2K-PUR paint was sold for servicing the industry in a mere one in Western Europe. Today, high-solids 2K-PUR systems have been sold to a large extent Replaces traditional PUR coatings, nitrocellulose paints, alkyds and thermoplastic acrylates. This trend is particularly noticeable in Western Europe, where the market share of polyurethane for motor vehicle refinishing has reached 85%.