Microviscosity in modified Nafion membranes measured by fluorescence probes

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jjaijjai
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Sodium or quaternary ammonium modified Nafion membranes in forms of Nafion-Na+,Nafion-NMe4+,Nafion-NEt4+ and Nafion-NBu4+ have been prepared by neutralizing Nafion-H+ membrane with NaOH or tetraalkylammonium hydroxide aqueous solution.Intramolecular excimer formation and fluorescence polarization methods using l,3-di(1-pyrenyl)propane and acridine orange as probes respectively have been employed for measurements of the microviscosity within those modified Nafion membranes.Results show that the probes are located in the fluorocarbon/water interface in the cluster of the membranes and the microviscosities around the probe molecules are in the range of ca.120-1200 cp and increase in the order of Nafion-Na+
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