据韩国《中央日报》报道,在外流转了100年的韩国国宝级朝鲜时代佛画近期回到了该国。这幅画被推测是1 730年代的作品,是一幅长宽各3米的绸缎彩画,里面画着释迦牟尼佛祖及左右的文殊菩萨和普贤菩萨,是一幅释迦三尊图。在这幅画中,佛祖的弟子阿难尊者和迦叶尊者出现在画的正下方,颇为显眼,在迄今为止看到的佛画中,这幅构图非常大胆,被认为在美术史上有颇高价值。日本殖民时期(1910年),这幅画从韩国国内寺庙中被掠夺出去,流转到了美国,随后经过在美术馆等地辗转,落到了弗吉尼亚州艾米达吉博
According to South Korea’s “Central Daily News” reported that in the 100 years after the transfer of the Korean national treasure-era era of Buddhism recently returned to the country. This painting is presumed to be a work of the 1930s. It is a 3-meter long satin satin painting depicting the Buddha and the Manchu Buddha and Samantabhadra, Figure In this painting, the disciples of the Buddha, Ananda Venerable and Kasyapa, appear quite directly below the painting. In the Buddhist paintings so far seen, the composition is very bold and is considered to be in the history of art There is high value. During the Japanese colonial era (1910), the painting was plundered from South Korean temples and circulated to the United States. Afterwards, the picture was removed from art museums in Amidach, Virginia