【摘 要】
最近50年来美国登记在册的土石坝和堆石坝事故多达100多起。70年代回填坝被毁事故更是频繁发生,联邦政府不得不对国内所有已建大坝的现状进行考察。据统计,6年内(1972~1977年)美国的大坝事故造成500人丧生,材料亏损近2亿美元。80年代末发生的最为严重的毁坝事故是爱达荷州93m 高、水库已首次蓄水的土石坝。1982年陆军工程师团对9000座非联邦大坝进行考察,其中300座大坝的现状不符合压力建筑物安全运行要求。
More than 100 U.S.-registered earth-rock dams and rockfill dam accidents have occurred in the past 50 years. The destruction of the backfill dam in the 1970s was even more frequent, and the federal government had to examine the status quo of all domestic dams it built. According to statistics, in the six years (1972-1977), a dam accident in the United States killed 500 people and caused a material loss of nearly 200 million U.S. dollars. The most serious dam-break in the late 1980s was a 93-foot-high dam in Idaho, where the reservoir was first impounded. In 1982, the Army Corps of Engineers inspected 9,000 non-federal dams, of which 300 dams did not meet the requirements of the safe operation of pressure buildings.
The status quo of college physical education and health education
水准测量是高程测量中最基本和精度较高的一种方法,它在国家高程控制测量、工程勘测、农田水利和施工测量中被广泛采用。 测量水准高程,最怕读错数,所以校核读数很重要。变
A low-repetition-rate, all-polarization-maintaining(PM)-fiber sub-nanosecond oscillator is presented, which is simple and low-cost, composed of standard compone
国际货币基金组织近日发布了《世界经济展望》春季报告。报告显示: 2003年世界经济,尽管遭遇了伊拉克战争和部分地区非典型肺炎的冲击,但在主要国家和地区实施扩张的财政政策
Near-IR femtosecond lasers have been proposed to produce high-field terahertz radiation in the air via the laser-plasma interaction, but the physical mechanism
1 系统开发的必要性农业灌溉用水占全球总供水量的80%左右,而目前灌溉供水利用率只有40%,实践证明,通过较好的管理输配水系统可以提高灌溉供水效率到56%。通过对灌溉渠道非