
来源 :人民公安 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dfgforrest
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铸好提升业务的“金刚钻”、创新入境警务管理理念、探索外管合作新思路,外事民警的群众工作别具特色。随着中国—东盟自由贸易区的发展,南宁市国际化程度不断提高,年递增35%的出入境人数,使我们的工作面临新的挑战。仅以2013年为例,出境入境的中国和外国公民就达100万人次,他们的权益都要得到保障。对于我们出入境民警来说,群众工作其实是个大概念,如何把这项工作做好是一个全新的课题。 Cast “diamonds” to enhance their business, innovate the concept of police management in entry, explore new ideas for cooperation with foreign pipelines, and carry out mass work by foreign affairs police. With the development of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, the degree of internationalization of Nanning is continuously increasing. The number of people entering and leaving the country with an annual increase of 35% will make our work facing new challenges. In 2013 alone, as many as 1 million Chinese and foreign nationals have gone abroad for immigration. Their rights and interests must be protected. For our immigration police, mass work is actually a big concept. How to do a good job of this work is a brand new topic.
我们代表到农村考察、调研、走访慰问时发现,我省无地农民的人数急剧增长,且呈现出群体化发展态势,如不及时、合理地解决改革开放以来遗留的这一社会问题,很有可能会影响到我省的社会稳定大局。  经调查,无地农民主要包括:1计划外超生未能分到集体土地的人口;2实行家庭联产承包责任制以来新出生人口和婚娶人口;3当初因种种原因放弃土地,至今没有取得城镇户口的农民;4因到城市打工或被录用为城镇企业、公司的合同工人