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为适应新形势,增强可操作性,农业部对《兽药产品批准文号管理办法》进行了修订,修订版于2015年11月17日经农业部第11次常务会议审议通过,12月3日农业部令2015年第4号发布,自2016年5月1日起施行(下面把现行办法简称《原办法》,修订后的办法简称《新办法》)。为便于各级畜牧兽医主管部门及有关企业贯彻执行,现对《新办法》进行解读。一、该办法修订的主要内容《原办法》自2005年1月1日施行,至今已有10个年头。《原办法》在保证兽药 In order to adapt to the new situation and enhance maneuverability, the Ministry of Agriculture revised the “Measures for the Administration of Approval Numbers of Veterinary Drug Products”, which was reviewed and approved by the 11th executive meeting of the Ministry of Agriculture on November 17, 2015, and December 3 The Ministry of Agriculture issued No. 4 of 2015 and will come into force on May 1, 2016 (the current approach is hereinafter referred to as the “original approach” and the revised approach is referred to as the “new approach” for short). In order to facilitate the implementation of animal husbandry and veterinary departments at all levels and related enterprises, the “new approach” is now being interpreted. First, the main content of the revised approach “The original approach” since January 1, 2005 implementation, has been 10 years. “The original approach” to ensure veterinary medicine