到新疆考察 ,让我感慨万千的是生长在塔克拉玛干沙漠的罕见植物———红柳与胡杨。沿着新修建的沙漠公路 ,过了塔里木河 ,就可以看到与干旱、酷暑和沙暴顽强抗争的红柳与胡杨 ,它们是绿洲的最后一道防线。红柳的根系很发达 ,能固定大量沙土。因此 ,凡是有红柳的地方 ,就有一个?
To visit Xinjiang, I am filled with emotion with the rare plants that grow in the Taklamakan Desert --- Tamarisk and Populus euphratica. Along the newly-built desert highway, after crossing the Tarim River, you can see the willow and poplar fighting tenaciously against the drought, the summer heat and the sandstorms. They are the last line of defense of the oasis. Tamarisk root system is well developed, can fix a large amount of sand. Therefore, where there is a tamarisk, there is one?