会议于1988年9月10~14日在沈阳召开。交流论文409篇,今就主要内容综合如下: 一、病毒性肝炎:1988年1月19日起上海市发生甲型肝炎,为流行病学史上所未有过的暴发流行,由生食受甲肝病毒污染的毛蚶引起。毛蚶来源于江苏启东,分别用直接免疫电镜,核酸杂交试验和组织培养检测甲肝病毒均获阳性结
The meeting was held in Shenyang on September 10-14, 1988. Exchange papers 409, now the main content is summarized as follows: First, viral hepatitis: January 19, 1988 in Shanghai since the occurrence of hepatitis A, for the outbreak of epidemiology unprecedented epidemic by the raw food by hepatitis A virus Contaminated hair caused by 蚶. Hairy stem from Qidong, Jiangsu, respectively, by direct immunoelectron microscopy, nucleic acid hybridization test and tissue culture were positive for hepatitis A virus