1994年,美国女作家雷瓦西在为郑和撰写的传记《当中国称霸海上》(When China Ruled the Seas)中叙述了自己在肯尼亚邂逅的传奇:一个黑人告诉雷瓦西,自己是中国人的子孙,是数百年前肯尼亚帕泰岛中国船遇难幸存者的后裔。1999年,美国《纽约时报》记者尼古拉斯沿着雷瓦西指引的方向探访了肯尼亚拉穆(Lamu)群岛中的帕泰(Pate)岛,并提出大担的推想:这些自称有中国血统的人,很可能是郑和部下的后裔。这究竟是一个让人神往的传说,还是确凿无疑的历史?2003年4月3日,我们一行4人,奔向东非肯尼亚海滨的拉穆群岛,与肯尼亚考古专家一起,开始了为期6天的考察。
In 1994, when American writer Levassy described the legendary encounter he had encountered in Kenya when he wrote a biography of Zheng He, “When China Ruled the Seas,” a black man told Levasi that he is a Chinese Descendants of the surviving Chinese ship of the island of Pad Thai hundreds of years ago. In 1999, the New York Times reporter Nicolas visited the Pate Islands in Lamu, Kenya, along the direction of Levace and made the big assumption that these people who claim to have Chinese descent , It is likely to be a descendant of Zheng He’s troops. Is this an awe-inspiring legend or a certainty of history? On April 3, 2003, our four-man delegation headed for the muslim island of Kenya on the East African coast. Together with the archeological experts in Kenya, we started a six-day Inspected