车到前门站。这是1952年9月。 一路上早把王晓棠憋坏了。从上海出发,她不是默默望着窗外,就是静静地“猫”在卧铺上。同行的三四十人都是京剧界同行,老生李呜盛,以后唱《海港》的李丽芳,还有李荣安、徐明远……都是天蟾舞台或是黄金戏院海报上“金榜题名”的人物。人家彼此之间有说不完的话,或是师兄弟,或是老朋友。说起“马(连良)老板”、“梅(兰芳)大王”来,如数家珍。王晓棠听不太懂更插不进话。别人也并不注意这个被遗忘了
Car to the front door station. This is September 1952. Along the way Wang Xiaotang bury bad. Starting from Shanghai, she is not silently looking out the window, is quietly “cat” in the sleeper. Three or four of their peers are Peking Opera counterparts, elders Sheng-Sheng Li, later sing “harbor” Li Lifang, as well as Li Rongan, Xu Mingyuan ... are the days of Toad arena or Golden Theater posters, “Gold List title” characters. There are plenty of words among people, brothers and sisters, or old friends. Speaking of “horse (Lianliang) boss”, “Mei (Lanfang) King”, as numerous hometown. Wang Xiaotang do not understand too much without words. Others do not notice this is forgotten