Young Man from Burundi Dreams to be a Chinese Teaching Expert
弗迪南是一位身高一米八的帅小伙,出生于布隆迪首都布琼布拉一个教师家庭,目前他会说汉语、英语、法语、布隆迪语和斯瓦西里语五门语言。从真正成为布隆迪大学孔子学院本土教师的那一刻起,他心中就有一个梦想 成为布隆迪优秀的汉教专家。
Ferdinand, born in a family ofteachers in Bujumbura, is ahandsome fellow with a height of1.8m and able to speak five languagesincluding Chinese, English, French,Kirundi and Kiswahili. Since thevery moment when he truly becamea local teacher of the ConfuciusInstitute at the University of Burundi,he has been holding a dream-becoming an excellent Chineseteaching expert in Burundi. Ferdinand's tie with Chinesedates back t0 2012 when theConfucius Institute at the Universityof Burundi was established. Asa freshman of the Universitymajoring in computer and electronicengineering, though Ferdinand hadbeen able to speak four languagesincluding English, French, Kirundiand Kiswahili, he signed up for theChinese language learning class ina hope to enjoy more opportunitieswith the ability to speak one morelanguage, hence starting the learningof his fifth language. Befo re learningChinese, Ferdinand barely knewabout China but the word "China" inFrench plus a bit knowledge about thecountry learned from the geographyclass. However, once he got to learnChinese, he was deeply attractedby the language and the Chineseculture. After one year of hard work,Ferdinand successfully passed theHSK (Level l) Examination andwon the scholarship for a one-yearChinese study in Shenyang NormalUniversity. Therefore, he speciallycame to China for his Chinese study.One year later, Ferdinand wentback to the University of Burundi tocomplete his major courses whilesticking to his Chinese study at theConfucius Institute. After graduation,as he acted as the te aching secretaryof the Confucius Institute, he keptlearning Chinese and passed theHSK (Level 5) Examination. By takingthis opportunity, Ferdinand wonanother scholarship for pursuing theMaster's Degree of Teaching Chineseto Speakers of Other Languages(MTCSOL) at Bohai University, onceagain coming to China for furtheringhis Chinese studies. He graduatedsmoothly in the end and earnedhis master's degree in July 2018. Atthat time, The Confucius InstituteHeadquarters was right recruitinglocal Chinese teachers throughscreening examinations. Ferdinandmanage d to pass these examinationsand thus was appointed as a teacherof the Confucius Institute at theUniversity of Burundi.
In order to do a good job as alocal Chinese teacher and find theniche in his job, Ferdinand carriedout a special investigation into thespecific needs of language learningand the current development ofthe Confucius Institute. He foundfrom the investigation that withthe implementation of China's Beltand Road Initiative, plus the goodrelationship between China andBurundi, the volume of Chineseinvestment in Burundi has been onthe rise. In this context, Burundianswho are proficient in Chinese maybe employed by local Chineseenterprises or serve as translatorsand interpreters in other countries.As a result, greater needs forlearning Chinese emerge. In termsof the development of the ConfuciusInstitute, Ferdinand learned thatafter six years' growth, the ConfuciusInstitute at the University of Burundihas made such extraordinaryachievements as building moreteaching sites, enrolling moreChinese learning students on a yearlybasis, improved teaching qualityand setting Chinese language as acredit course in universities eventhough Chinese teaching has not yetbeen incorporated into the nationaleducation system. However, there arealways challenges and unexpecteddifficulties arising in the course ofdevelopment. Ferdinand found thatsome of them can be solved by theConfucius Institute itself while othersshould be handled jointly by bothparties involved through discussion.Therefore, misunderstandings andconflicts due to cultural differencesin communication are inevitable. Insuch cases, anyone who can bridgethe gap in communication may helpavoid such misunderstandings andconflicts and turn adverse situationsaround. Ferdinand also found thatas more and more Burundians arelearning Chinese and Chinese culturecontinues to spread in Burundi, alarge number of Burundians havestarted to learn about China, and thatChinese people will always receivehelp from Burundians wheneverthey encounter difficulties in work inBurundi. There fo re, strengtheningcultural dissemination becomes anecessity. To this end, Ferdinandhas focused on teaching Chineselanguage, spreading Chinese cultureand facilitating the communicationbetween the Confucius Institute andthe outside world in his work so asto promote the development of theConfucius Institute. Chinese Language Teachingremains the top priority inFerdinand's work. As for how toovercome obstacles in learningChinese well, he has rich experienceand insightful views since hehimself is a Chinese learner startingfrom scratch. For instance, as formiddle school students, Ferdinandconcentrates on developing theirinterest in learning Chinese byinstructing lessons with spellings andpictures, linking Chinese words andphrases with objects they know thebest, and encouraging them to watchChinese movies and read children'sbooks in Chinese. At the same time,he combines his own strengths byincorporating Chinese teaching intomusic and sports teaching, greatlyarousing the students' interest.What stands out in his teaching isthat he applies Chinese teaching insports teaching where students canmemorize the Chinese words of balls,body movements, sports expressionsand so on based on their experiencein sports class, which has deliveredexcellent teaching results. Accordingto Ferdinand, as a local teacher, withhis male gender and excellence insports activities as a plus, he knowsvery well what kinds of sports arepopular among the public in Burundi,and students will learn Chinesehappily by matching the wordscorrectly with the sports.
As for college students whoare old enough and boast strongerexp ressiveness, Ferdinand will askthem to learn Chinese spellings andwords simultaneously and adoptteaching methods such as intuitionalinstruction and situational teachingin class, which are welcomed bystudents and produce great learningeffect. In addition, Ferdinandattaches great importance tocultivating students' self-studyhabits and encourages students tostu dy online with their smart phonesafter class. The most distinctivein teaching college students is thediversity of the languages spokenby Burundians. Besides, some of hisstudents even come from differentcountries, so not all of them are well-versed in one single language. In thiscase, Ferdinand will instruct lessonsin different languages, making fulluse of his language strengths, andthus creating an intimate feelingand sense of engagement among hisstudents. As a result, all students arefascinated with Ferdinand, a slightlyshy teacher.
As the first-ever indigenousChinese teacher, Ferdinand dreamsto be an expert in Chinese teaching inBurundi. Thanks to his experience oflearning Chinese in China, Ferdinandhas acquired many excellenttraditional Chinese educationalideas. From Confucius' educationalidea saying "they who know the truthare not equal to those who love it, andthey who love it are not equal to thosewho delight in it", he realizes theimportance of developing student'sinterest in teaching. Enlightenedby the ideas of "if a man keepscherishing his old knowledge, hewill continually be acquiring new"and "Is it not pleasant to learnwith a constant perseverance andapplication?", he focuses on helpingstudents cultivate their good habits of timely review and consolidatingwhat they have learned. Enlightenedby the idea of "one should not limitthemselves to particular teachers",he often encourages his students tolearn through multiple channels, thus expanding their vision andimproving their thinking patterns.With the methods of individualizedteaching and heuristic teaching,he knows that designs of classroomteaching should be based onstudents' personalities. Not onlyhave these outstanding traditionalChinese educational ideas bene fitedFerdinand a lot in his teachingpractice, but also they attractedmuch his interest, so he decides topropagate and implement these ideasin Burundi, and at the same timecombines the features in languagelearning and teaching to create aChinese teaching model that is easyto be promoted in Burundi, thusre alizing his career goal of becominga Chinese teaching expert.
We wish his dream come true!
弗迪南是一位身高一米八的帅小伙,出生于布隆迪首都布琼布拉一个教师家庭,目前他会说汉语、英语、法语、布隆迪语和斯瓦西里语五门语言。从真正成为布隆迪大学孔子学院本土教师的那一刻起,他心中就有一个梦想 成为布隆迪优秀的汉教专家。
Ferdinand, born in a family ofteachers in Bujumbura, is ahandsome fellow with a height of1.8m and able to speak five languagesincluding Chinese, English, French,Kirundi and Kiswahili. Since thevery moment when he truly becamea local teacher of the ConfuciusInstitute at the University of Burundi,he has been holding a dream-becoming an excellent Chineseteaching expert in Burundi. Ferdinand's tie with Chinesedates back t0 2012 when theConfucius Institute at the Universityof Burundi was established. Asa freshman of the Universitymajoring in computer and electronicengineering, though Ferdinand hadbeen able to speak four languagesincluding English, French, Kirundiand Kiswahili, he signed up for theChinese language learning class ina hope to enjoy more opportunitieswith the ability to speak one morelanguage, hence starting the learningof his fifth language. Befo re learningChinese, Ferdinand barely knewabout China but the word "China" inFrench plus a bit knowledge about thecountry learned from the geographyclass. However, once he got to learnChinese, he was deeply attractedby the language and the Chineseculture. After one year of hard work,Ferdinand successfully passed theHSK (Level l) Examination andwon the scholarship for a one-yearChinese study in Shenyang NormalUniversity. Therefore, he speciallycame to China for his Chinese study.One year later, Ferdinand wentback to the University of Burundi tocomplete his major courses whilesticking to his Chinese study at theConfucius Institute. After graduation,as he acted as the te aching secretaryof the Confucius Institute, he keptlearning Chinese and passed theHSK (Level 5) Examination. By takingthis opportunity, Ferdinand wonanother scholarship for pursuing theMaster's Degree of Teaching Chineseto Speakers of Other Languages(MTCSOL) at Bohai University, onceagain coming to China for furtheringhis Chinese studies. He graduatedsmoothly in the end and earnedhis master's degree in July 2018. Atthat time, The Confucius InstituteHeadquarters was right recruitinglocal Chinese teachers throughscreening examinations. Ferdinandmanage d to pass these examinationsand thus was appointed as a teacherof the Confucius Institute at theUniversity of Burundi.
In order to do a good job as alocal Chinese teacher and find theniche in his job, Ferdinand carriedout a special investigation into thespecific needs of language learningand the current development ofthe Confucius Institute. He foundfrom the investigation that withthe implementation of China's Beltand Road Initiative, plus the goodrelationship between China andBurundi, the volume of Chineseinvestment in Burundi has been onthe rise. In this context, Burundianswho are proficient in Chinese maybe employed by local Chineseenterprises or serve as translatorsand interpreters in other countries.As a result, greater needs forlearning Chinese emerge. In termsof the development of the ConfuciusInstitute, Ferdinand learned thatafter six years' growth, the ConfuciusInstitute at the University of Burundihas made such extraordinaryachievements as building moreteaching sites, enrolling moreChinese learning students on a yearlybasis, improved teaching qualityand setting Chinese language as acredit course in universities eventhough Chinese teaching has not yetbeen incorporated into the nationaleducation system. However, there arealways challenges and unexpecteddifficulties arising in the course ofdevelopment. Ferdinand found thatsome of them can be solved by theConfucius Institute itself while othersshould be handled jointly by bothparties involved through discussion.Therefore, misunderstandings andconflicts due to cultural differencesin communication are inevitable. Insuch cases, anyone who can bridgethe gap in communication may helpavoid such misunderstandings andconflicts and turn adverse situationsaround. Ferdinand also found thatas more and more Burundians arelearning Chinese and Chinese culturecontinues to spread in Burundi, alarge number of Burundians havestarted to learn about China, and thatChinese people will always receivehelp from Burundians wheneverthey encounter difficulties in work inBurundi. There fo re, strengtheningcultural dissemination becomes anecessity. To this end, Ferdinandhas focused on teaching Chineselanguage, spreading Chinese cultureand facilitating the communicationbetween the Confucius Institute andthe outside world in his work so asto promote the development of theConfucius Institute. Chinese Language Teachingremains the top priority inFerdinand's work. As for how toovercome obstacles in learningChinese well, he has rich experienceand insightful views since hehimself is a Chinese learner startingfrom scratch. For instance, as formiddle school students, Ferdinandconcentrates on developing theirinterest in learning Chinese byinstructing lessons with spellings andpictures, linking Chinese words andphrases with objects they know thebest, and encouraging them to watchChinese movies and read children'sbooks in Chinese. At the same time,he combines his own strengths byincorporating Chinese teaching intomusic and sports teaching, greatlyarousing the students' interest.What stands out in his teaching isthat he applies Chinese teaching insports teaching where students canmemorize the Chinese words of balls,body movements, sports expressionsand so on based on their experiencein sports class, which has deliveredexcellent teaching results. Accordingto Ferdinand, as a local teacher, withhis male gender and excellence insports activities as a plus, he knowsvery well what kinds of sports arepopular among the public in Burundi,and students will learn Chinesehappily by matching the wordscorrectly with the sports.
As for college students whoare old enough and boast strongerexp ressiveness, Ferdinand will askthem to learn Chinese spellings andwords simultaneously and adoptteaching methods such as intuitionalinstruction and situational teachingin class, which are welcomed bystudents and produce great learningeffect. In addition, Ferdinandattaches great importance tocultivating students' self-studyhabits and encourages students tostu dy online with their smart phonesafter class. The most distinctivein teaching college students is thediversity of the languages spokenby Burundians. Besides, some of hisstudents even come from differentcountries, so not all of them are well-versed in one single language. In thiscase, Ferdinand will instruct lessonsin different languages, making fulluse of his language strengths, andthus creating an intimate feelingand sense of engagement among hisstudents. As a result, all students arefascinated with Ferdinand, a slightlyshy teacher.
As the first-ever indigenousChinese teacher, Ferdinand dreamsto be an expert in Chinese teaching inBurundi. Thanks to his experience oflearning Chinese in China, Ferdinandhas acquired many excellenttraditional Chinese educationalideas. From Confucius' educationalidea saying "they who know the truthare not equal to those who love it, andthey who love it are not equal to thosewho delight in it", he realizes theimportance of developing student'sinterest in teaching. Enlightenedby the ideas of "if a man keepscherishing his old knowledge, hewill continually be acquiring new"and "Is it not pleasant to learnwith a constant perseverance andapplication?", he focuses on helpingstudents cultivate their good habits of timely review and consolidatingwhat they have learned. Enlightenedby the idea of "one should not limitthemselves to particular teachers",he often encourages his students tolearn through multiple channels, thus expanding their vision andimproving their thinking patterns.With the methods of individualizedteaching and heuristic teaching,he knows that designs of classroomteaching should be based onstudents' personalities. Not onlyhave these outstanding traditionalChinese educational ideas bene fitedFerdinand a lot in his teachingpractice, but also they attractedmuch his interest, so he decides topropagate and implement these ideasin Burundi, and at the same timecombines the features in languagelearning and teaching to create aChinese teaching model that is easyto be promoted in Burundi, thusre alizing his career goal of becominga Chinese teaching expert.
We wish his dream come true!