马克思主义是适应时代的发展而创立的科学。科学的生命力在于创新。在马克思主义的发展史上 ,列宁对马克思主义的基本理论作了创造性的发展 ,科学地分析了十月革命后俄国的现实 ,并作了有益的探索 ;邓小平继承马克思列宁主义基本原理并结合中国实际 ,创立的崭新的理论 ,完成了马克思主义由经典形态向现代形态的转变 ,而初级阶段理论正是这一伟大转变的前提和基础。
Marxism is a science created to adapt to the development of the times. The vitality of science lies in innovation. In the history of the development of Marxism Lenin made a creative development of the basic theory of Marxism, scientifically analyzed the reality of Russia after the October Revolution, and made useful explorations. Deng Xiaoping inherited the basic tenets of Marxism-Leninism and combined with the actual situation in China , Founded a brand new theory, completed the transformation of Marxism from the classic form to the modern form, and the preliminary stage theory is precisely the premise and foundation of this great change.