民族区域自治制度是中国共产党把马列主义民族理论与我国民族实际相结合的一个创举。本文从 :民族区域自治地方的自治机关要充分行使好自治权 ;大力培养和造就少数民族干部 ,加快民族教育发展 ;建全社会主义法制 ,加强民族立法 ;实施西部大开发是解决我国民族问题的必然选择 ;正确处理民族区域自治地方内的民族关系 ,不断巩固和发展平等团结互助的社会主义民族关系等 5个方面对认真贯彻民族区域自治政策问题进行了阐述。
The system of ethnic regional autonomy is an initiative of the Chinese Communist Party to combine the Marxist-Leninist theory with the reality of our nation. This article from: autonomous regions in the autonomous areas of ethnic minorities should exercise full autonomy; vigorously train and foster minority cadres and accelerate the development of ethnic education; build a socialist legal system and strengthen national legislation; to implement the large-scale development of the western region is to solve the national problems of our country It is an inevitable choice. It elaborates on the conscientious implementation of the policy of ethnic autonomy in five aspects: correctly handling the ethnic relations within the autonomous areas of ethnic minority areas and constantly consolidating and developing the socialist ethnic relations based on equality, solidarity and mutual assistance.