河蟹,具有很高的营养价值和经济价值,近几年来,发展很快。笔者于2000年3月~11月,在山东省平邑县唐村水库,利用0.36公顷池塘精养扣蟹,放养密度为1 500只/667米2,经过科学管理,养殖成活率达到83%,获总产648千克,每667米2产量120千克,规格100~150克/只,总产值6.48
Crab, has a high nutritional value and economic value, in recent years, the rapid development. The author in March 2000 to November, Pingyi County, Shandong Province Tangcun reservoir, the use of 0.36 hectares of pond intensive crabs, stocking density of 1,500 / 667 m 2, after scientific management, breeding survival rate of 83% , The total output of 648 kg, 120 kg per 667 m 2, specifications of 100 to 150 g / only, the total output value of 6.48