As a developed country in the Asian securities market, Japan used the system of account transfer under the “non-mobile” securities for the early trading of stocks. Later in 2004, the “Law on Transferring Account of Corporations and Shares” set out clearly the non-issue of shares by listed companies and the transfer of electronic registered shares by way of account transfer, which presumed that customers legally hold the shares corresponding to their electronic account records , And can be acquired in good faith. It is noteworthy that, after the issuance of stock “paperless” shares, the goodwill acquisition of electronic registration shares has undergone significant changes. This article examines the changes in the concept of goodwill acquired during the evolution of Japan’s physical stocks to electronic registrations, clarifies that the acquisition of shares by affirmation in China can be made in good faith, and points out the theory that should be noticed when introducing the system of goodwill acquisition by electronic registration problem.