最近,一位中央领导同志不无痛切地指出,我们的新闻不象新闻,连起码的五个“W”都不具备。笔者近日看报,一连发现新的佐证,姑举三件: 3月16日,一家专业报纸最先报道国家男子篮球队中锋韩朋山突然病逝的消息,引起读者极大的关注。非常遗憾的是,韩朋山同志年龄多大?漏掉了。 3月18日,北京某报刊登了北京在“三·一八惨案”发生地建立标志牌和举行纪念活动的消息。“发生地”具体在哪里?文中只讲了是“北洋军阀段祺瑞临时执政府国务院”,却偏偏不告诉人们,在今天的北京是哪条街道,门牌几号?仿佛作者还是在为几十年前的国人写新闻。
Recently, one central leading comrade made it very clear that our news is not as newsworthy as the five “W” ones that are not included in the minimum. The author recently read the newspaper, one after another found a new evidence, both cited three: March 16, a professional newspaper first reported the national men’s basketball team center Hanshan Shan suddenly died of the news, aroused great concern readers. Very sorry, how old is Han Pengshan? On March 18, a newspaper in Beijing published news of the establishment of a signboard and a commemorative event in Beijing where the “March 18 Massacre” took place. Where is the place of occurrence? The article only states that “the Beiyang warlord Duan Qirui is the provisional governing government of the State Council.” However, he just did not tell people which street in Beijing today is the number of the house? Ten years ago, people wrote the news.