,Crosstalk between catecholamines and erythropoiesis

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BACKGROUND:Erythropoiesis is regulated by a range of intrinsic and extrinsic factors,including different cytokines.Recently,the role of catecholamines has been highlighted in the development of erythroid cell lineages.OBJECTIVE:This study focuses on the biological links interconnecting erythroid development and the sympathetic nervous system.The emerging evidence that underscores the role of catecholamines in the regulation of erythropoietin and other erythropoiesis cytokines are thoroughly reviewed,in addition to elements such as iron and the leptin hormone that are involved in erythropoiesis.METHODS:Relevant English-language studies were identified and retrieved from the PubMed search engine (1981-2017) using the following keywords:"Erythropoiesis","Catecholamines","Nervous system",and "Cytokines."RESULTS:Chronic social stress alters and suppresses erythroid development.However,the physiological release of catecholamines is an additional stimulator of erythropoiesis in the setting of anemia.Therefore,the severity and timing of catecholamine secretion might distinctly regulate erythroid homeostasis.CONCLUSION:Understanding the relationship of catecholamines with different elements of the erythroid islands will be essential to find the tightly regulated production of red blood cells (RBCs) in both chronic and physiological catecholamine activation.
BACKGROUND:Melatonin is a hormone which is produced from pineal gland in human and is said to have various impacts in human body like controlling sleep wake cyc
试验于2007-2009年在中国江苏扬州江都小纪镇FACE试验基地(119°42′0″E, 32°35′5″N)进行,采用二裂式裂区设计,主区为O3浓度处理,处理圈(E-O3)O3浓度为对照圈(A-O3)实时O3浓度的1.5倍,不同小麦品种为副区,供试品种为强筋小麦烟农19,中筋小麦扬麦16和嘉兴002,弱筋小麦扬麦15和扬辐麦2号,研究O3胁迫对小麦产量和品质的影响,为今后小麦抗逆栽培提供依据。
BACKGROUND:Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb).This disease with two million deaths per year has the