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二十多年前,在辽阔的呼伦贝尔草原上,一个阳光普照的夏天,有位少年独自坐在锡尼河畔,神情专注地拉着他心爱的乌头琴,悠扬的琴声,划破了天空,飞向远方,也始终伴随着这位少年的成长历程。二十多年后,这位少年经过奋斗与拚搏,从草原来到北京,如今已是中国音乐家协会会员、中国马头琴学会会员、国家一级演奏员、中央民族歌舞团著名的马头琴演奏家玉龙。少小立志当琴手玉龙,这位性格内向含蓄,脸上总是带着淡淡微笑的草原之子,1958年3月15日出生在内蒙古呼伦贝尔盟新巴尔虎左旗的一个干部家庭。辽阔的草原上,那骏马奔腾的嘶鸣声、长啸短叹的牧歌声,深沉缠绵的马头琴声时常伴随着他成长的足迹。每当乌兰牧骑队来此演出,歌声、琴声、欢乐声常常使小小的玉龙流连忘返。回到家里,他经常是嘴里哼着听来的曲调,两手模仿着马头琴的演奏。慈祥的父亲看到儿子如此喜欢马头琴,就用狗鱼皮给他做了一把马头琴,领着他去拜了旗乌兰牧骑队的琴手杜古尔为师。那时,他才10岁,这把“狗鱼皮”马头琴至今保存在家里,也正是这把马头琴,使玉龙走上了艺术之路。 Twenty years ago, on the vast Hulun Buir steppe, a sunny summer, a young man sitting alone on the banks of the Sinai, looking attentively pulled his beloved piano, melodious piano, pierced the sky , Fly to the distance, but also always accompanied by the growth of this boy. More than 20 years later, after years of struggle and hard work, this young man came to Beijing from the prairie. Now he is a member of China Musicians Association, a member of Chinese Daudo and a national performer. The well-known dalian musician Yulong of the Central Ethnic Song and Dance Troupe, . Slightly determined when the piano player Yulong, introverted character, always with a faint smile on his face the son of Prairie, March 15, 1958 was born in Inner Mongolia Hulunbeiern Xinbaerhuzuoqi a cadre family. On the vast prairie, that horse galloping neighing, shouts and sighs of the song of the pastoral, deep touching horse dances often accompanied by his growing footsteps. Whenever Wulannuo riding team to this performance, singing, piano sound, joy often make small jade dragon linger. Back home, he often hummed his mouth to hear the tune, his hands imitating the duet playing. The beloved father saw his son liked the dances so much, and gave him a dougat with his dog skin, leading him to worship Dugoul, a violin player in the flag of Wulan. At that time, he was only 10 years old, and this “dog skin ” Matouqin has been preserved at home, it is also the Matouqin, so that Yulong embarked on the road to art.
目的 探讨心脏瓣膜手术后患者死亡的危险因素,指导围术期治疗.方法 收集我科2016年9月至2019年8月行心脏瓣膜手术患者资料,将术后死亡患者50例纳入死亡组(已排除3例资料不全
[Abstract] This thesis takes the Skopos Theory which is the core of German functionalism as the breakthrough point. According to the general classification of humorous utterance, this thesis divides i
幼儿园的医疗保健工作直接关系到幼儿的健康,我们结合数十年工作的经验教训,制定出一套新的工作程序,较好地完成了幼儿园的各项医疗保健工作,具体做法是: 一、以月为单位制