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一九五五年八月三十一日國務院發佈了‘關於國家機關工作人員全部實行工資制和改行貨幣工資制的命令’。此項命令和附發的國家機關工作人員工資標準表五種前已轉發各地,我省各級國家機關應即切實貫徹執行。已發之七、八、九月份工資,按照貨幣工資標準該補發者,應予補足。爲了貫徹國務院關於‘改行工資制待遇後,工作人員住用公家房屋和使用公家傢具、水電者,一律繳租納費’的規定,參照中央國家機關有關各項收費辦法的精神,並結合我省具體情况,特制定:江西省各級國家機關工作人員住用公家宿舍收租暫行辦法、江西省各級國家機關工作人員宿舍使用公家傢具收租暫行辦法、江西省各級國家機關工作人員宿舍水電收費暫行辦法、江西省各級國家機關保育院收費暫行辦法、江西省各級國家機關工作人員宿舍取暖補贴暫行辦法和江西省各級國家機關工作人員家屬、子女實行統籌醫療試行辦法隨令頒發,自一九五五年十月一日起實行。各民主黨派、各人民團體可參照本命令及附件、附表執行。 On August 31, 1955, the State Council promulgated the ’Order on the Full Implementation of Salary System and Currency Monetary System by Staffs of State Organs.’ The order and the attached attachments to the list of the salary scales for staff of State organs have been forwarded to all five places and the state organs at all levels in our province should effectively implement it. Seventh, eight, September wages have been issued, in accordance with the monetary wage standards of the replacement, should be made up. In order to carry out the provisions of the State Council on ’taking public housing and using public furniture and water and electricity workers after the reform of the wage system as a matter of course’ as reference, and referring to the spirit of the relevant state fees and charges of the state organs of the Central Government, Specific circumstances: specially formulated: Jiangxi Province at all levels of state organs staff quarters for public rental interim measures, Jiangxi Province at all levels of government agencies dormitory use of public rental of furniture Interim Measures, Jiangxi Province at all levels of government agencies dormitory water and electricity Interim Measures on Fees, Interim Measures on Charges of Nursing Homes of State Organs at all Levels in Jiangxi Province, Interim Measures on Heating Subsidy for Dormitories of State Organs at all Levels in Jiangxi Province, Trial Implementation of Integrated Medical Treatment by Family Members and Children of Staffs of State Organs at all Levels in Jiangxi Province , Which came into force on October 1, 1955. All democratic parties and people’s organizations may, by reference to this Order and the appendix, carry out the Schedule.
  目的 探讨孕前BMI和不同孕期BMI增加对新生儿体重及分娩方式的影响。方法 选取341名单胎、头位且无妊娠合并症及并发症的初产妇为研究对象,按照产前BMI不同、孕12周BMI增
56岁的李女士失眠半年有余。半年来,她在多家医院就诊,服用过不少镇静安神的中药和安眠药,也使用过睡眠贴,失眠不仅没有好转,还越来越严重。近日,李女士再次就诊,听完她的倾诉后,接诊医生得知李女士还有胸部紧压感,有时感到喘不上气来,并伴有心烦、急躁等焦虑症状,因此,医生建议她转看精神专科。结果李女士被确诊为广泛性焦虑,治疗后睡眠情况得到改善。  社会竞争加剧、生活节奏加快改变了人们的生活方式,睡眠问题