The rise of local research paradigm in the 1960s was a source of “dissatisfaction” and “no thinking” with respect to the marginalization, arbitraryism, lack of ethics and level of knowledge in applying scientific positivist methodology to indigenous studies. The indigenous research paradigm reflects the requirement of indigenous people to apply local knowledge to promote social development. Its essence is: upholding the logic of the whole society and requiring that the gap between Western strict ontology, epistemology, methodology and axiology be solved by the relationship and relationship responsibility; Put knowledge production in the local notion, knowledge can be rooted in the local community and effectively serve the development of the local community; require ethics and morality in the research process, rather than aftercare; to develop an independent research paradigm, which is based on This paradigm participates in the “research ” discourse equal to the paradigm of Western scientific research and changes the arbitrary tendency of the western research tradition.