夫用兵之道,在于人和,人和则不劝而自战矣。若将吏相猜,士卒不服,忠谋不用,群下谤议,谗慝互生,虽有汤、武之智,而不能取胜于匹夫,况众人乎? 《将苑·和人》【注释】①谗慝(te特):恶言恶意,邪恶的人。②汤、武:商汤、周武王。汤是商族领袖,灭夏,建立商朝。周武王,周族领袖,联合各族灭商,建立周朝。【译文】用兵的原则,在于搞好内部团结。内部团结了,不用勉励,部队就能自己努力作战。如果
The road to military service of soldiers is that people and people do not persuade themselves to fight themselves. If officials will guessed, soldiers refuse to obey, conspiracy not to use, group slander, 谗 慝 alternate, although the soup, Wu Zhizhi, and can not win in the pips,慝 (te special): malicious evil, evil people. ② soup, Wu: Shang Tang, King of Zhou. Soup is the leader of the Shang, Xia Xia, the establishment of the Shang Dynasty. Zhou Wu Wang, Zhou leaders, the joint destruction of merchants, the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty. The principle of using troops is to improve internal unity. The internal unity, without encouragement, the troops can work hard on their own. in case