在为数不多的英国老牌高级扬声器厂家之中,乐富豪(Wharfedale)是最富创造力和最讲求物超所值的厂家之一。该厂家将新型材料和别致的箱体设计应用在扬声器之中取得了很大的成功。其中钻石系列扬声器便极有代表性。自1981年的第一代钻石系列扬声器开始,到去年推出的第九代钻石系列,十多年间在世界各地获得好评如潮。据乐富豪厂方的产品研发主管Mr.Jullian Maddock说,他们将每一款钻石系列获奖型号的奖牌都挂在办公室墙上。三年前,他们发现墙壁上已经找不到空位挂新获得的奖牌了。
Among the few established veteran senior speaker manufacturers in the UK, Wharfedale is one of the most creative and value-conscious manufacturers. The manufacturer has achieved great success applying new materials and chic box designs to loudspeakers. One series of diamond speakers will be very representative. Since 1981, the first generation of diamond series speakers began to launch last year’s ninth generation diamond series, more than 10 years in the world received rave reviews. According to J. Bullian Maddock, Head of Product Development at LeFouro, they have every medal of the Diamond Collection winning model hanging on the office wall. Three years ago, they found that they had found no new vacant medals on the wall.