加强监督制约 确保国企发展

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近年来,河南省平舆县在深化国有企业改革的同时,针对国有企业领导人违纪违法的新情况、新特点,进一步明确监督责任,强化监督制约机制,促进了企业党风廉政建设工作的开展。到今年8月20日,全县共查处国有企业领导人违纪违法案件27起,党纪政纪处分27人,有效地保证 In recent years, Pingyu County, Henan Province, has deepened the reform of state-owned enterprises and at the same time, it has clarified the new circumstances and new characteristics of the violations of discipline and law by the leaders of state-owned enterprises, further clarified the responsibility of supervision and strengthened the supervision and restriction mechanism, and promoted the development of the party’s work style and clean government . By August 20 this year, the county investigated and dealt with 27 cases of violation of discipline and law by leaders of state-owned enterprises and 27 disciplinary actions by party and government administrations to effectively guarantee