
来源 :城市环境设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:HEXINLONG19871006
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南京白云亭文化艺术中心是关于城市更新的改造项目,上海都设建筑设计有限公司将一座1999年落成的副食品市场更新成为了全新的文化艺术中心。在本案中,都设进行了建筑、室内、景观的一体化设计。拆与不拆丨Demolition or not南京白云亭副食品市场曾经是南京市重要的菜篮子工程,在功能转移后,拆与不拆是摆在决策者面前的难题,最终我们通过前期策划成功的与政府达成了一致: Nanjing Baiyun Pavilion Cultural and Art Center is a renovation project on urban renewal. Shanghai Dujian Architectural Design Co., Ltd. will be a new food and arts center which was established in 1999 to update the non-staple food market. In this case, we have set up an integrated design of architecture, interior and landscape. Demolition or not Nanjing Baiyun Pavilion non-staple food market was once an important vegetable basket project in Nanjing. After the transfer of functions, the dismantling and disassembly are the problems before the decision makers. In the end, we plan the successful cooperation with the government Reached agreement: