Hidden Guard for China抯 Overseas Investment

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  Massive outflows of Chinese capital and workers have given birth to an overseas private security market estimated to be worth up to US$100 billion. This mysterious industry has various kinds of participants: there are large security companies with law enforcement backgrounds that operate under the supervision of the Ministry of Public Security; there are also irregular small firms. Recently, international security giants have also begun competing in this market.
  Throughout the world, the global private security market, has established an international governance framework participated in by governments, industry associations, and enterprises. As a latecomer with huge overseas investment and strong demand for security services, how will China develop an overseas security industry that is competitive on the global market and meets the need of the Chinese government as well as Chinese businesses and citizens?
The National Financial Work Conference convened in Beijing on July 14 and July 15, 2017. At the meeting, Xi Jinping proposed the establishment of the State Council Financial Stability Development Comm
上海交通大学 陆铭  “城市化和城市发展——我们在争论什么?”  《比较》2017年第2期  城市化和城市发展的问题,无疑是当前中国最为重要的問题之一,同时也是充满争论的问题。  总的来说,中国是一个带有“从计划向市场”转型特征的国家。中国城市化和城市发展中产生的一些现象有其市场经济的普遍规律的一面,比如城市化水平的不断提高,以及人口向大城市和大都市圈集中。同时,中国的市场经济仍然有很多计划经济时
这一三方公认的“三赢”交易其实无法完全用商业逻辑来解释。一位万达高管如此向《财经》记者描述:“就像毛主席当年连延安都放弃了,万达这点(牺牲)算什么!”  万达和融创的惊世大交易又生新變化。  7月10日,融创中国(1918.HK)宣布以631.7亿元收购万达商业地产13个文化旅游城项目91%股权及76个酒店。但九天之后,富力地产(2777.HK)加入交易。7月19日,王健林(左)、孙宏斌(中)、李
The anti-corruption efforts in Gansu Province, which has gradually intensified, reached a high point in the first half of this year. It was officially announced on July 11 that former Gansu Province P
(《财经》2017年第15期“A股夢圆MSCI指数”)  经过连续四年评估失败后,摩根士丹利资本国际公司(MSCI)宣布,从2018年6月起将中国A股纳入MSCI新兴市场指数和MSCI ACWI全球指数。中国进入MSCI全球指数是一个历史时刻,这意味着向中国市场国际化迈进了一大步。  尽管A股纳入MSCI将为中国市场带来诸多正面影响,但未来挑战仍然存在。第一,全球经济和贸易放缓将影响新兴市场经济,
In the United States as well as China, cashier-less stores are gradually becoming a reality. Domestic players in this field, Internet companies and fresh food supermarkets alike, aim to let customers
资本主义,一个充满争议的概念和现实。尽管专著和论文已如汗牛充栋,人们对资本主义的定义、历史和未来,仍充满激情地交锋辩论,至今无法达成共识。科卡教授的《资本主义简史》(下称《简史》)以不到10万字的篇幅,处理这样一个宏大的题目,不能不说是异常艰巨的自我挑战。  资本主义是人类经济史上的第二次大飞跃,第一次飞跃发生在约1万年前的两河流域,定居农业开启了人类文明。第二次飞跃出现在英格兰,以17世纪下半叶
BGI抯 listing marked the most-watched IPO on the A-shares market in recent years. Though BGI抯 share price has exceeded the daily trading ceiling for five consecutive trading days, the gene sequencing i
(《财经》2017年第15期“内容创业的未来”)  对于移动内容分发平台来说,过去的战争只是在抢夺移动图文资讯的入口。但是随着短视频、直播等新形态内容成为新的创业风口,内容分发平台的战争也开始发生改变:不再是单一的图文内容入口争夺战,而是与图文、长短视频、直播等相关的多形态内容产业生态链之战。  内容创业确实难,尤其是当下,但很多人都觉得这件事不好做的時候,往往也是我们能把它创新迭代、做到最好的良
(《财经》2017年第15期“脱欧谈判开启 英国未来不明”)  英国《每日电讯》的报道认为,如果现在再举行一次公投,结果很可能出现反转。简单说就是:脱欧,英国人后悔了。分析认为,这种变化是可以理解的。随着英国国内关于“脫欧”议题的深入讨论,英国民众越来越认识到“脱欧”对自身生活的真实影响。英国与欧洲之间无论是历史上还是现实中,都彼此建立了太多的“细节”,不是一句简单的“分手”就可以“一别两宽,各自