MOCVD Growth of Device-quality GaN on Sapphire

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An AlN Layer grown by an ALE has been developed to improve the growth quality of GaN on Al 2O 3 substrate by low pressure metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (LP MOVPE). An ALE AlN layer grown on Al 2O 3 substrate has a high quality and the structure is similar to GaN, this AlN layer can release the stress between Al 2O 3 substrate and GaN epilayer. By using this method, the orientation of substrate is extended to GaN epilayer, and the column tilt and the twist are improved, so as to obtain the device quality GaN. An AlN Layer grown by an ALE has been developed to improve the growth quality of GaN on Al 2O 3 substrate by low pressure metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (LP MOVPE). An ALE AlN layer grown on Al 2O 3 substrate has a high quality and the By using this method, the orientation of the substrate is extended to GaN epilayer, and the column tilt and the twist are improved, so as to obtain the device quality GaN.
2002080855利用离子交换法的分布折射率透镜= 交换法 利用 分布屈折率 [日]/西泽(?)一…//O plusE.—2002,24(7).-714~718 2002080855 Distribution by means of ion exchange
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