介绍了铜球准动态标定的含义及高低温铜球压力编表方法 ;针对塑性测压器材温度修正的两种思想——压力修正及变形量修正 ,运用量纲分析及相似理论推导了变形量修正方法环境温度对铜球压力影响的无量纲相似比 ;借助于不同环境温度下得到的测压铜球的准动态标定数据 ,运用回归分析技术导出了压力及变形量修正公式 ;并用两批次铜球的高低温准动态标定实验进行了验证及两种方法的比对
This paper introduces the meaning of copper ball quasi dynamic calibration and the method of high and low temperature copper ball pressure table. According to the two ideas of temperature correction of plastic manometry device - pressure correction and deformation correction, the deformation analysis Correcting the dimensionless similarity ratio of environmental temperature on the pressure of copper ball, the correction formulas of pressure and deformation were deduced by means of regression analysis technique with the help of the quasi-dynamic calibration data of pressured copper ball under different ambient temperatures. Copper ball of high and low temperature quasi-dynamic calibration experiments were validated and the comparison of the two methods