影片《老井》的结尾是喜剧,旺泉终于在他祖祖辈辈挖了无 数干窟隆的地方打出了有水的井。我觉得就整个影片来说,这一 笔,大大地削弱了影片原有的思想力度和艺术震撼力。 这是一部充满悲剧色彩的影片。一个小小的老井 村,二百年间一代接着一代挖了一个又一个的干窟隆, 死了不少人,可没有人觉醒,还在盲目地挖;为了一 口有水的井,两个村在共产党员领导下进行械斗;由 于缺水,老井村除了生活的穷困外,还有着人的文化
The end of the film “Old Well” is a comedy, Wang Quan finally dug in his ancestors predecessors countless dry cave where a hole hit the water wells. In my opinion, this film has greatly weakened the original thought and artistic power of the film. This is a tragedy movie. A small village of Laojing, two hundred generations of generation after generation of digging one after another dry cave Long, many people died, no one awakening, still blindly digging; for a water well, two The village fought under the leadership of Communist Party members. Due to lack of water, the Laojing village had a human culture besides the poverty of life