一九九四年首届上海国际电影节上韩国电影《悲歌一曲》获得了最佳导演奖和最佳女演员两项大奖。这部被韩国人称为“Number One”的电影,讲述的是这样一个故事:流浪歌手俞本带着养女松华四处卖唱。当他来到一个村庄,与男孩东户的寡母发生了关系,四个人组成了一个新的家庭。妻子死于难产后,俞本教松华潘索里音乐,教东户击鼓,重又开始卖唱。但在受西方文化冲击之下的韩国,即使是在偏僻乡村,喜爱潘索里的人也越来越少了。一家人的生计越来越艰难。少年东户离家出走。俞本用药弄瞎了松华的眼睛,松华在潜心练唱中领悟到了潘索里艺术的真谛。俞本去世后,双目失明
In 1994 the first Shanghai International Film Festival on the Korean film “a song of sadness” won the Best Director Award and Best Actress two awards. The movie, which South Koreans call “Number One,” tells the story of a wandering singer Yu Ben singing her daughter Song Hua. When he came to a village and became associated with the widowed mother of the boy, four people formed a new family. After his wife died of childbirth, Yu Ben Songhua Pansori music, teach the East drums, began to sing again. However, under the impact of Western culture in South Korea, there is less and less preference for Pansori, even in isolated villages. The family’s livelihood is getting harder and harder. Juvenile East away from home. Yu Ben blind use of medicine Songhua eyes, Songhua in painstaking practice in the realization of the essence of Pansori art. Yu Ben died, his eyes blind