目前对高血压病与腔隙性脑梗塞形成的关系看法不一。Fisher等人认为几乎所有的腔隙性梗塞都是高血压病所致。另有些人则指出腔隙性梗塞患者中患高血压的比例差异很大,从不足50%至97%。有关糖尿病与腔隙性脑梗塞的关系也尚有待于研究。 作者分析了1983~1986年间国立神经病学与语言功能障碍及卒中研究所的脑卒中资料库中的1805例脑卒中患者资料中有637例发病前具有详细的血压及糖尿病症状记载并经头颅CT扫描和卒
The current view of the relationship between hypertension and lacunar infarction varies. Fisher et al. Argue that almost all lacunar infarcts are caused by hypertension. Others point out that the proportion of patients with lacunar infarction varies greatly from less than 50% to 97%. The relationship between diabetes and lacunar infarction has yet to be studied. The authors analyzed data from 1983 to 1986 in the National Institute of Neurology and Language Disorders and Stroke Stroke database of 1805 stroke patients with 637 pre-morbidly documented blood pressure and diabetes mellitus and skull CT scans And pawn