South China 8002 and South China 8013 were hybrid F1 progeny of F1 hybrid in 1980. After years of selection, they showed good yield and broad adaptability. Compared with South China 205 and Hongwei of Dongguan Significant stimulation effect. The annual average yield of South China 8002 was 24.8% and 51.4% higher than that of South China 205 and Dongguan Red Tail, respectively. The dry matter content and starch content of tuberous roots were 38.6% and 29.9% Cold hardiness, drought tolerance, lean high yield new varieties. The annual average yield of 8013 in South China increased by 46.6% and 60.3% respectively compared with the above control varieties, and the dry matter content and starch content were higher than those of South China 205 and Dongguan Hongwei. And a strong wind capacity. Is a thin and wind resistant high yield new varieties.