张家喜得了个胖小子,甭说有多高兴。小两口把心肝宝贝视为掌上明珠,不是妈妈把孩子抱着摇来晃去,就是爸爸将孩子高高地抛起,以此来与孩子逗乐。 孩子在这种幸福的“摇蓝”中逐渐成长。到了4岁,智力发育却大大落后于其他同龄孩子,走路步态不稳,说话还在呀呀学语,连单音词也吐不清,且表情淡漠,反应迟钝,没有一般正常儿童那种天真烂
Zhang Jiaxi got a fat kid, 甭 said how happy. The young couple treat the sweetheart baby as the pearl of the palm, not the mother holding the child to shake, that is, father throw the child high, in order to be amused with the child. Children in this happy “shake the blue” in the gradual growth. By the age of 4, mental development lags far behind that of other children of the same age. Walking gait is not stable, talking is still learning a syllabary, even single words are vomiting, and the expression is indifferent, unresponsive, and there is no normal type of child Naive