On Sunday, the Ostrich看见一位妙龄女郎在park中漫步。他对她一见倾心,就若即若离地在远处跟着她走。
On Monday, 驼鸟采来紫罗兰, as a gift to his beloved. 可他太腼腆,不敢亲手把这份礼物交给她。于是他将紫罗兰放在她的门口就跑开了, but there was a great joy in his heart.
On Tuesday,驼鸟为心爱的人谱写了一首歌。He sang it over and over (一次次). 他想,这首歌是他所听过的 the most beautiful music.
On Wednesday,驼鸟在一家餐馆watched his beloved dining in a restaurant . 他忘了为自己要一份晚饭。He was too happy, 感觉不到饥肠辘辘。
On Thursday, the Ostrich wrote a poem to his beloved. 这是他有生以来第一次写诗, but he did not have the courage to read to her.
On Friday,驼鸟买了a suit of clothes. 他展开羽毛,觉得自己英俊潇洒。He hoped that his beloved might notice.
On Saturday,他梦见自己置身于大舞厅,伴着音乐的节奏,紧紧拥抱着心爱的女人,around and around . 一觉醒来,he awoke feeling wonderfully alive.
On Sunday,驼鸟回到了公园。When he saw the lady walking there,心就咚咚地跳个不停。但他暗自思量:“哎呀,面对爱情,我太羞羞答答。Perhaps another time will come. Yet, surely, 不过,这一周的确过得很惬意。”
——Love can be its own reward.
courage 勇气
joy 喜悦
reward 回报
gift 礼物
a suit of一套
X档案(解密新鲜cool word)
beloved 心爱的人
On Monday, 驼鸟采来紫罗兰, as a gift to his beloved. 可他太腼腆,不敢亲手把这份礼物交给她。于是他将紫罗兰放在她的门口就跑开了, but there was a great joy in his heart.
On Tuesday,驼鸟为心爱的人谱写了一首歌。He sang it over and over (一次次). 他想,这首歌是他所听过的 the most beautiful music.
On Wednesday,驼鸟在一家餐馆watched his beloved dining in a restaurant . 他忘了为自己要一份晚饭。He was too happy, 感觉不到饥肠辘辘。
On Thursday, the Ostrich wrote a poem to his beloved. 这是他有生以来第一次写诗, but he did not have the courage to read to her.
On Friday,驼鸟买了a suit of clothes. 他展开羽毛,觉得自己英俊潇洒。He hoped that his beloved might notice.
On Saturday,他梦见自己置身于大舞厅,伴着音乐的节奏,紧紧拥抱着心爱的女人,around and around . 一觉醒来,he awoke feeling wonderfully alive.
On Sunday,驼鸟回到了公园。When he saw the lady walking there,心就咚咚地跳个不停。但他暗自思量:“哎呀,面对爱情,我太羞羞答答。Perhaps another time will come. Yet, surely, 不过,这一周的确过得很惬意。”
——Love can be its own reward.
courage 勇气
joy 喜悦
reward 回报
gift 礼物
a suit of一套
X档案(解密新鲜cool word)
beloved 心爱的人