信息时代是一个开放的时代。教师应视儿童为主动学习者,要看到他们在与环境, 特别是在与人的关系中主动构建知识、人格和文化的力量,他们应被看成是教育的主体。儿童是发展的,相信儿童自身具有重大的潜力是当今教育工作者一个重要的观点。受旧儿童观的影响,长期以来,人们大多认为儿童是无能的,一切听命于成人,把孩子视为被动的“接受器”。在这种思想影响下, 出现了以教师为中心,忽视了儿童主体发展
The information age is an open era. Teachers should regard children as active learners. They should see them as the main body of education if they take the initiative to build knowledge, personality and culture in the environment, especially in relation to people. Children are developing, and it is an important view of today’s educators to believe that children have great potential. For a long time, most people think that children are incompetent. All are obedient to adults and regard children as passive “receptors.” Under the influence of this kind of thinking, the emergence of teachers as the center, ignoring the development of children’s subjects