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一陶渊明借描写“桃花源”以表达对理想世界的向往,业已成为学界的常识。在对这一理想世界的讨论中,人们较多关注的是作者所写到的理想世界的客观性特点,比如物产充盈生活自足、民风淳朴待人热情、没有赋税、没有阶级压迫,而这一理想世界所依托的现实基础,比如是北方的坞壁还是南方的武陵或者江西的庐山等,也多有讨论。但这一理想世界与“外人” A Tao Yuanming by describing “Peach Blossom Spring ” to express the desire for the ideal world, has become the common sense of the academic community. In the discussion of this ideal world, people pay more attention to the objectivity characteristics of the ideal world written by the author, such as the property self-sufficient lifestyles, simple customs people’s enthusiasm, no tax, no class oppression, and this ideal The basis of the reality upon which the world depends, such as Wubi in the north or Wuling in the south or Lushan in Jiangxi, is also discussed. But this ideal world and “outsider ”
一、金属矿物资源的存在形式  我国金属矿产资源品种齐、储量多,分布广。由于矿物资源的产地与形成的原因不同,导致各种矿产的资源丰度也不尽相同。有的资源比较丰富,如钒、钛、稀土、铅、锌、铜、铁、钨、钼、锡、锑、汞等;有的则明显不足,如铬矿。除金、铂等极少数金属外,绝大多数金属以化合物的形式存在于自然界中。由于金属元素都显正化合价,所以将金属化合物中的金属阳离子变为单质的过程即所谓金属的冶炼。  二、金