各汽车维修同行和广大客户: 为加强汽车维修行业管理,提高行业服务质量,交通部1999年4月在全国范围内开展汽车维修行业“优质服务月”活动。这不仅有助于规范维修行业的经营行为,促进维修企业的技术进步,还能给广大用户带来方便和利益。为使活动开展得扎实有效,我们特提出如下倡议: 一、认真做好“优质服务月”活动动员我们在市汽车维修行业管理部门的统一布置下,积极做好动员。开展“今天工作不努力,明天努力找工作”
Various automobile maintenance peers and customers: In order to strengthen the management of the automobile maintenance industry and improve the service quality of the industry, the Ministry of Transport launched the “Quality Service Month” campaign of the auto maintenance industry nationwide in April 1999. This not only helps standardize the business behavior of the maintenance industry, promotes the technological advancement of maintenance companies, but also brings convenience and benefits to a wide range of users. In order to make the activity develop solidly and effectively, we hereby propose the following initiatives: I. Conscientiously do a good job in the “Quality Service Month” campaign. We mobilize us in the city’s car maintenance industry management department under the unified arrangement, and actively mobilize. Carry out “If you don’t work hard today, try to find a job tomorrow”