报名条件:1.遵守大赛组织委员会制定的大赛准则;2.身心健康,能够完成大赛组织委员会安排的各项赛事活动。报名方式:1.凡符合全国大学生创新创业大赛条件的选手,请编辑信息“姓名+学校+专业+联系电话”并发送至[email protected]或编辑“姓名+学校+专业+联系电话”至微信公众号chuangyidasai;2.个人及团队报名需提交参赛人员身份证复印件一份,2寸免冠彩色照片4张以及团队成员与分工介绍资料,并邮寄至大赛组委会办公室(地址:北京市西城区白纸坊东铸2号经济日报社2号楼4楼。组委会联系方式:010-58393763/3769/3753)。大赛日程安排:
Registration conditions: 1. Comply with the contest organized by the organizing committee of the competition guidelines; 2. Physical and mental health, to complete the organizing committee organized the tournament activities. Registration: 1. All students who meet the conditions of the National College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, please edit the information “name + school + professional + contact phone ” and send to [email protected] or edit “name + school + professional + Contact phone number ”to WeChat public number chuangyidasai; 2. Individuals and team members should submit a copy of the ID card, 2-inch hat color photos 4 and team members and division presentation materials, and mail to the organizing committee Office (Address: Baizhifang, Xicheng District, Beijing Economic Zone 2 on the 2nd floor of Building 2, Organizing Committee Contact: 010-58393763 / 3769/3753). Competition schedule: