本文使用DNA Typer15TMplus试剂盒,对蒙古族、鄂温克族、达斡尔族和锡伯族4个少数民族人群进行18个常染色体STR基因座遗传多态性进行调查。结果 18个STR基因座在4个少数民族的无关个体中分别共检出186种(蒙古族)、150种(鄂温克族)、148种(达斡尔族)、192种(锡伯族)等位基因;4个民族18个基因座DP最低值:0.783(蒙古族)、0.800(鄂温克族)、0.795(达斡尔族)、0.783(锡伯族);PIC最低值:0.552(蒙古族)、0.588(鄂温克族)、0.569(达斡尔族)、0.549(锡伯族);累积非父排除概率为0.999 999 954~0.999 999 999。数据结果表明,18个STR基因座联合应用在上述4个民族相关研究和应用中可以选用。
In this study, DNA Typer15TMplus Kit was used to investigate genetic polymorphisms of 18 autosomal STR loci in four ethnic minorities in Mongol, Ewenki, Daur and Xibe populations. Results 18 STR loci were detected in 186 ethnic (Mongolian), 150 (Ewenki), 148 (Daur) and 192 (Xibo) alleles in four unrelated individuals of the ethnic minorities. The lowest DP of 18 loci in 4 ethnic groups was 0.783 for Mongolian, 0.800 for Ewenki, 0.795 for Daur and 0.783 for Xibe. PIC was lowest for 0.552 for Mongolian, 0.588 for Ewenki for Xinjiang, , 0.569 (Daur) and 0.549 (Xibe). The cumulative non-parent exclusion probabilities were 0.999 999 954 ~ 0.999 999 999. The data show that 18 STR loci can be used in combination with the above four ethnic studies and applications.