运城市社会福利院现有孤残儿童358名,其中弃婴(儿)352名,孤儿6名。运城市参与家庭寄养项目的家庭共计100个,了良好的关系,而且与周围的孩子相处得较为融洽。 通过对寄养儿童的跟踪调查,可以看出寄养儿童在个人成长与发展方面有了显著改善。 首先,寄养儿童的家庭观念增强了。通过数月的磨合,绝大多数孩子都能以寄养家庭为“家”,爱家、恋家,想有个真正的家。通过家庭生活的熏陶。孩子们懂得了尊老爱幼、尊敬师长。低龄儿童与人交流时,目光专注,表情自然又自
There are 358 orphans and disabled children in Yuncheng Social Welfare Institute, including 352 abandoned children and 6 orphans. Yuncheng City, family foster families participating in a total of 100, a good relationship, but also get along with the children around more harmonious. Through the follow-up survey of foster children, we can see that foster children have significantly improved their personal growth and development. First of all, the concept of foster children’s family has been strengthened. Through the months of running in, the vast majority of children are able to foster families as “home”, love home, love home, want to have a real home. Influenced by family life. Children know how to care for the elders, respect teachers. When young children and people communicate, focus attention, expression of natural and self