1996年任香港美术学院院长。 1998 年任香港中文大学逸夫书院校董、西安美术学院教授、中国美术学院院务委员。美国Kennedy-Western University授予荣誉哲学、教育学博士学位。 1999年作品《晨韵》获中国文化部全国艺术大展银奖,作品被澳门博物馆收藏。 2000年资助亚洲农业发展基金会和中国共青团治理母亲河黄河项目。 2001年任珠穆朗玛峰环保委员
1996 Hong Kong Academy of Fine Arts Dean. In 1998, she was the director of Shaw College of Chinese University of Hong Kong, professor of Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts and member of Chinese Academy of Art. American Kennedy-Western University awarded honorary philosophy, Ph.D. Chen Yun, a 1999 work, won the Silver Award at the National Art Exhibition of the Chinese Ministry of Culture. His works have been collected by the Macao Museum. In 2000, it supported the Asian Agricultural Development Foundation and the Communist Youth League controlling mother River Yellow River project in China. 2001 Everest environmental commissioner