蒜蛆(Hylemyia Antiqua Meigen)系葱蝇之幼虫,属双翅目花蝇科,是栖霞县大蒜生产上的一种严重害虫。一般減产20%左右,重者达60%以上,除为害大蒜外,葱、韭菜受害也很重。我县农业局病虫测报点为有效地帮助菜农消灭蒜蛆为害,从1960-1963年以城镇大队菜园为基点进行系统观察调查及防治试验,今将有关材料整理于下供作参考。一、发生周期:蒜蛆在栖霞县一年发生三个重迭世代。以蛹在越冬的葱、韭菜根际土下5-
Garlic (Hylemyia Antiqua Meigen) Department of onion larvae, is a family of Diptera, Muscidae, is a serious pest in the production of garlic in Qixia County. The general reduction of about 20%, severe cases of more than 60%, in addition to harmful garlic, green onions, leek victims also heavy. In order to effectively help the vegetable farmers to eliminate garlic and maggot, the pest and insect repellent measuring point of our county Bureau of Agriculture conducted a systematic observation and prevention and control test based on the vegetable plot of the urban brigade from 1960 to 1963. The relevant materials are now compiled for reference. First, the occurrence period: garlic maggot occurred in Qixia County, one of three overlapping generations. To the pupa in the winter onions, leek rhizosphere soil 5-