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距离高考的时间已经不多了。什么都抓,很可能什么都抓不好。建议同学们主要做以下几件事:首先是背。学外语主要靠模仿,而模仿是在背诵的基础上实现的。背的内容有三项:一、背《考试说明》上的词汇表。这个词汇表是高考命题的基础,各个题型使用的词汇均不会超出它的范围。要记准每一个词的中文意思,要背会常见词的各项用法。背词组时要采用“带着背”的办法。如 give up 就背成 give up smoking,set out 就背成 set out to do something。这样,记得准,记得牢。二、背几篇容易上口的小短文。如《新概念第 The time for the college entrance examination is running out. Everything is caught. It is very likely that everything is not well-handed. Suggest that the students mainly do the following things: First, back. Learning a foreign language mainly depends on imitation, and imitation is achieved on the basis of recitation. There are three items on the back: First, the vocabulary on the “exam description”. This vocabulary is the basis of the college entrance examination proposition. The vocabulary used by each question type will not exceed its scope. To remember the meaning of each word in Chinese, you must recite the usage of common words. When using a back phrase, use a “bring back” approach. If you give up and give back up smoking, set out will be set out to do something back. In this way, remember and remember. Second, back a few catchy essays. Such as "new concept
他本是机械厂一个再普通不过的车工,平时爱奇思妙想,热衷读书看报,还经常鼓捣些小发明。  这天下晚班回到家,他疲惫地脱下工作服,然后习惯性地打开电视机。“……时尚资讯、情感剧场,中央一套为您精彩呈现……”忽然,灵光游龙般地一闪而过。“中央一套、中央一套……”他陷入了沉思,反复琢磨着这四个再熟悉不过的字。“有了!”突然,他似一休般地开了窍。“呵呵!”他窃喜,“真是既贴切又形象!”  事不宜迟,第二天尚
2001年全国高考英语将实行统一的一套试题,其最为突出的特点是增加了听力测试,这也是高考英语的最新发展。从此,高考英语试题进入了新一轮的改革实验阶段。对比此前使用的 N
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★非洲“吃虫”上了瘾  合肥的马俊2005年从巴黎商学院毕业后,进入Auchan(欧尚)集团驻肯尼亚分公司。一个星期天,他和一位女同事到森林里玩,吃惊地发现,这里的蚂蚁个头竟比蚕豆还要大。晚上美女请他吃当地特产——蚂蚁套餐。马俊鼓足勇气尝了一下,味道还真不错。女孩介绍说,这种蚂蚁的蛋白质、脂肪和糖含量特别丰富,肯尼亚医疗条件差,当地人靠吃白蚁滋补强身,据说有人因此十几年没得过感冒。  除蚂蚁外,非
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