栎类树种是重要的森林树种,在用材、生物多样性、生态、环境美化等方面具有重要价值。本试验选用从辽宁省宽甸县引进的蒙古栎变种的粗齿蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica var.frosseserrate Rehd.)和大果蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica var.macrocarpa H.W.jen etL.M.wang)与本地区的蒙古栎、槲树进行对比试验,观测了苗期和幼林期的生长、适应性等性状。实验结果表明,蒙古栎变种比本地其它栎类树种生长量、抗冻能力均有明显优势。
Quercus species is an important species of forest, which is of great value in timber, biodiversity, ecology and landscaping. In this experiment, Quercus mongolica var. Frosseserrate Rehd. (Quercus mongolica var. Frosseserrate Rehd.) And Quercus mongolica var. Macrocarpa HWjen etL.M.wang Quercus mongolica and Quercus mongolica were compared to observe the growth and adaptability of seedling and young forest. The experimental results show that the Quercus mongolica var. Mongolica has obvious advantages over the other Quercus species and its frost resistance.