我是一个学医的大学生。在最近的Internet上,我读到了一篇详述克林顿与莱温斯基性关系的文章。眼界为之大开。 堂堂一国之君,也不能没有七情六欲。有此风流韵事,且“历史悠久”,不足称奇,而真正令人称奇的是,这种见不得人的丑事,连同一切细节,居然“水落石
I am a college student. On the recent Internet, I read an article detailing the sexual relationship between Clinton and Lewinsky. Eyes wide open. Dignified monarchs, can not be without emotions. It is not surprising that there is a romantic affair and “a long history”. What’s really amazing is that this kind of unpleasant scandal, together with all the details, actually “falls into the water”.