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我家宝宝1岁1个月,常常拉肚子,我自己到药店给她买药,请问宝宝不能吃哪些止泻药呢?株洲李妈妈1.功能性止泻药:如易蒙停(洛哌丁胺)、复方地芬诺酯(复方苯乙哌定)等。易蒙停作用强烈,用于低龄儿易致不良反应,如影响中枢神经系统等,故国内外均限制用于低龄儿。复方苯乙哌定中的地芬诺酯可直接作用于肠平滑肌,作用类似吗啡。该药小儿用药剂量至今尚无统一标准,且易导致2岁内婴幼儿中毒甚至死亡。2.某些抗菌药物:喹诺酮类(如诺氟沙星、环丙沙星、氧氟沙星等)、四环素 My baby 1 year and 1 month, often diarrhea, I myself to the pharmacy to buy her medicine, what the baby can not eat what anti-diarrhea medicine? Zhuzhou Lee mother 1. Functional anti-diarrhea drugs: such as easy to stop (loperamide) Diphenoxylate compound (compound phenylethanidine) and so on. Easy to stop the role of strong for young children prone to cause adverse reactions, such as the impact of the central nervous system, so both at home and abroad are restricted for young children. Diphenoxylate dipyridamole in the compound can be directly acting on the intestinal smooth muscle, the role of similar morphine. The drug dose of pediatric medication so far there is no uniform standard, and easily lead to infants and young children within 2 years of poisoning and even death. 2. Some antibacterial drugs: quinolones (such as norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, etc.), tetracycline