美国AT&T公司和英国BT公司宣布了两公司发展移动通信产业的共同战略 ,这就是①构筑GSM和TDMA方式的世界规模的网络 ,为在世界各国移动的旅行者及出差者提供服务 ,②提供可一元化管理各国使用费用的服务 ;③在IMT - 2 0 0 0和移动互联网标准化问题上取得一致。A
AT & T Corporation of the United States and BT Company of United Kingdom announced the common strategy for the two companies to develop the mobile communications industry. This is to build a world-scale network of GSM and TDMA to provide services to travelers and business travelers who move around the world. Unified management of the use of national service fees; ③ IMT - 200 and mobile Internet standardization agreement. A