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收购夏普是郭台铭的第三次创业,阿里这只蚂蚁让他“无比的恐慌”。九年前,郭台铭参加阿里巴巴的第二届电商大会,马云对他说,富士康是制造业的一只大象,用很多蚂蚁一样能搬动它。郭台铭感到不屑,“那时,我认为阿里巴巴只是一个购物平台,帮助大家在电脑上选择产品,要想搬动富士康,不可能。”一个是制造业的巨无霸,一个是互联网的巨无霸,郭台铭和马云这对商界大佬,有着截然不同的背景。九年后,郭台铭参加2016杭州云栖大会,为马云站台,商业世界已发生翻天覆地的变化——富士 The acquisition of Sharp is Gou’s third venture, Ali, the only ants let him “incomparable panic.” Nine years ago, Gou attended the second E-commerce Conference of Alibaba. Jack Ma told him that Foxconn is an elephant in the manufacturing industry and can move it with many ants. Terry Gou disdain, “At that time, I think Alibaba is just a shopping platform to help you select products on your computer, in order to move Foxconn, impossible.” One is the manufacturing giant, one is the Internet Big Mac, Gou Ming and Jack Ma this big business man, has a completely different background. Nine years later, Gou participated in the 2016 Hangzhou cloud habitat for Ma platform, the business world has undergone enormous changes - Fuji