A Study on History of Early Modern City Planning of Qingdao (1891-1949)

来源 :China City Planning Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cph2009
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Once a traditional fishing village, Qingdao was developed into a city by the Qing Government to serve the need for coastal defense. The process was later accelerated due to the introduction of city planning by German colonizers. The city’s planning and urban construction was changed many times in early modern times, dominated by different administrative bodies and proceeding independently from other cities. After 58 years of planning and construction from 1891 to 1949, Qingdao has developed into a large city with integral style and seaport features. Based on an abundance of historical materials, this paper discusses the three major historical stages and seven development phases of Qingdao’s urban planning in the early modern times, as well as the planning content and characteristics of each stage. Once a traditional fishing village, Qingdao was developed into a city by the Qing Government to serve the need for coastal defense. The process was later accelerated due to the introduction of city planning by German colonizers. The city’s planning and urban construction was changed many times in early modern times, dominated by different administrative bodies and proceeding independently from other cities. After 58 years of planning and construction from 1891 to 1949, Qingdao has developed into a large city with integral style and seaport features. Based on an abundance of historical materials , this paper discusses the three major historical stages and seven development phases of Qingdao’s urban planning in the early modern times, as well as the planning content and characteristics of each stage.
这一学期教理科班。  偌大的教室,男生占了大半壁江山,零星几个女生黯淡点缀其间。走进教室,浓重的雄性荷尔蒙气息扑面击来,心里不由打了个寒战。找他们之前的语文老师了解情况时,李老师语不成句,被他们打击的阴影依然残留。  第一节课上,我豁出全力对他们极尽赞美,溢美之词多到让我的脸都有点发热。他们挺受用,听得到偶尔发出一声自得的轻笑,可能每个男生都认为我说的是他们自己,依稀看见庞大的心理排斥如冰山慢慢融